Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Well as you may know I am doing slang so I learn SO!!!! many people use slang with is mostly kids that use it. I learned that some people use regular English. My research had given me so many information about slang that people use it all around the world. In my survey it changed because I didn't know more females use slang  and more people hear it from the street not just kids use it everyone do


I will recommend that kids should use slang just not all the time because you don't want to forget standard English . In my survey I have learned that kids should use slang everyday if they want but when it comes to the teacher they should use it less because if is a big chance that they will forget Regular English because I use to speak Somali and then i forgot some of the word so I talk to my mom in English and Somali. Did you know you need to use English in everyday life.

Friday, October 17, 2008


In my Survey I had 48 people take it 21  males 27 female

The first chart shows people's response to these questions," Do you speak another language? DO you use slang in that language?" Of the people who speak another language, more say that they don't use slang in that language than ones who say they do.

In my second question I asked "WHEN DO YOU USE SLANG? AROUND WHO" More people use it around a friend and it was a little amount of people that use  it around they're family

In my third data I had more females and males heard it from the street than they do  at the mall, at school, and on T.V. BEFORE I FORGET MY QUESTION WAS  "WHERE DID YOU HERE  SLANG FROM?"

The next one is "DO YOU PREFER 
SLANG OR REGULAR?" Well so many people in the world use slang  it was like 2 people that don't use nothing also not that much people had used regular English

Also my last survey I had more females say that they used slang sometimes and males said always. my question was "DO YOU USE SLANG ALL THE TIME?"

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Fox, Kelly."Slang." Why People Use Slang. 2 Oct. 2008 .  .

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Primary Research

Subject: Teen and Adult                                                               INTERVIEW THEM 

      Do you use slang all the time? Circle one

   Never            Sometimes           Always





II.    Would you prefer slang or regular English? Why? Circle One

                   Slang                             Regular English


III.  Where did you hear slang?



IV.   When do you use slang? Around who



V.     Do you speak another language? If you do, do you use slang in that language




Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Secondary Research

Today's modern American Slang has been used every since it had been created. Which has left out society with varieties of slang from extremes like street/ drag slang to African American slang. when I first heard slang i was  10 years old I heard it from the streets. Today slang is used in everyday life. They are just used to make  things cooler and shorter like for example wat is you doin. Sometimes slang is used in a powerful way. Slang is the poetry of everyday life. Did you know no more barley uses it

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


How will you answer your question? 
  • research articles 
  • talk to people
  • look at surveys
whom will you survey or interview?
  • students and teachers 


Why People Use Slang? In Life


What I Want To Know More About and WHY

I want to learn more about
slang because it is so many people in the world that use slang in everyday life and its better than using Standard English

Monday, October 6, 2008


I believe that language is used in different ways and all round the world
  • I said language is use in different ways because they have accent like for an example when I was in England, London they were talking in British English.
  • I also said all round the world cause people speak different language for example English, French, German, Italian, Somalian, Arabic, Spanish, E.T.C