Friday, October 17, 2008


In my Survey I had 48 people take it 21  males 27 female

The first chart shows people's response to these questions," Do you speak another language? DO you use slang in that language?" Of the people who speak another language, more say that they don't use slang in that language than ones who say they do.

In my second question I asked "WHEN DO YOU USE SLANG? AROUND WHO" More people use it around a friend and it was a little amount of people that use  it around they're family

In my third data I had more females and males heard it from the street than they do  at the mall, at school, and on T.V. BEFORE I FORGET MY QUESTION WAS  "WHERE DID YOU HERE  SLANG FROM?"

The next one is "DO YOU PREFER 
SLANG OR REGULAR?" Well so many people in the world use slang  it was like 2 people that don't use nothing also not that much people had used regular English

Also my last survey I had more females say that they used slang sometimes and males said always. my question was "DO YOU USE SLANG ALL THE TIME?"

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